Web Design Services
You may often hear statements such as the following: "A website should not just catch the eye. Its role is to attract and keep the user, as well as communicate to him or her your brand message and raise user awareness about a product or service." That's all well and beautiful, but what about "growing your list while converting more visitors into buyers?”
Visitors to your website won’t give you a second chance to make a first impression...
In a cluttered digital world, first impressions are like air to your ability to get a compelling message across to a potential buyer. Many visitors have their mouse's pointer on the back button before your page even loads. If you confuse your visitors with a bunch of fluff and tricky navigation, and they are gone before you have a chance to explain what matters to them.
Branding and logo design
Graphic and UI design
Mobile applications design
Even if your product or service can benefit everyone all of the time, you must use written copy that speaks directly to your targeted audience and doesn’t make your website's messaging too general. We fully understand that your products and services will often cater to more than one group of buyers. Hence, we focus on constructing your site in a way that segments your targeted visitors so they feel you specialize in solving problems and concerns that they have as individuals.
For example, a limo service that uses the popular "Limos for All Occasions” headline, would convert far more visitors into buyers if its website were specifically targeted to wedding brides, prom kids, funeral services, airport travel, etc. You would be shocked at how often we see a "one size fits all" type of message to visitors and even more shocked at how ineffective this approach is at making the phone ring. Why, might you ask? It’s simple; all buyers feel that their needs are different from those of others, and there is no better way to disconnect from buyers than allowing them to think your message is speaking to any other person but them as individuals.
Imagine the disconnect that would occur between your buyer and your “compelling” message if you were to mix them up. You would have already grieving widows in a deep depression being reminded of their wedding day. Prom kids wondering what being on time for a flight has to do with their prom limo and a ton of other possible reasons for the person looking to rent a limo to just hit the back button. Simply put, our team designs your website to convey a strong, clear and compelling first impression to your highly targeted and segmented audience.
First impressions are just that, first impressions. What next?
A web design that turns those impressed visitors into buyers is what puts food on your table. Sure, users enjoy visiting websites that look aesthetically appealing and are easy to navigate. Still, website visitors need to be incentivized, directed and made to feel that their social status will be raised in their peer group if there is even a slight chance of them sharing your site with their family or friends let alone giving you their name and email address for follow-up communications, offers, specials or whatever else we like to call our follow up-sales pitches. When was the last time you entered your contact info when you knew a ton of spam was your reward for doing so?
Our team's goal is not only to get you the attention of your targeted prospects in a digital world but also to build a subconscious the obligation to "buy" within all your visitors. Since we don’t have to start your website's design from scratch, we provide various design sets and templates that save you thousands of dollars. We have access to over 20,000 high-end templates that we modify to custom fit your segmented buyers' wants and needs. No more crossing your fingers, hoping it all turns out well. We focus on creating a website to fit your brand and most importantly, turning your visitors into actual buyers as fast as possible. If your prospect can buy your product or service online, then time is of the essence. You must set the bar high so that your competitors struggle to compare; if not, they'll set the bar for you.
You will most certainly come across web design firms that boast about how "original" and beautiful their sites are, even though most of these designers are using templates as the frameworks for their "original sites." The "part 2" of their story is that these "original" sites are lucky to ever pay for themselves, and simply act as brochures that brag to your prospects about how great you and your company are instead of showing the proper empathy for your visitors’ problems, much less any sort of value in advance. Effective websites must be built around your amazing offer to your targeted prospects. Most buyers couldn’t care less about your website's layout homogeneity. Don't agree? Revisit some of the most popular websites that make the most sales, for example, Amazon.com, Ebay.com, craigslist.com, Alibaba.com, all of which are not so beautiful sites; however, they convert more visitors to buyers on any given day than hundreds of thousands of websites put together could dream of in a year.
The best example might be Apple.com. Although Apple has gotten a bit fancier lately, for years, their site was not much more than an ugly white site that featured some of the most amazing product photos that exist online. That's the whole point. They have no intention of distracting you with eye-catching backgrounds, hard to read fonts, or complicated menus. Each Apple product has its own website within Apple.com., representing a case of segmentation. Each sub-site speaks to its targeted buyers in a very calculated way. You won't see the same pitch for an iPhone on their $6,000 Mac Pro's landing page. You will also notice a totally different tone in the sales copy. Apple understands the exact desires of each visitor/buyer in relation to the product being showcased.
Here is our stance on templates. If you reach into your wallet and pull out just about any business card, no matter the shape or what it’s made of, it is a template. Does that mean business cards can't show originality unless they’re made of steel, tear-proof plastic, wood, etc. or does it mean that their actual value has more to do with the message on that business card? It may not sound "cool," but if you own a small to medium-sized business, "innovation" can cost you profitability, especially in today's digital world that is full of distraction. First-impression attention is necessary, but the message associated with that first impression better damn well connect with the prospect if you expect to get any further attention, money, or referrals. This is why you have a website built in the first place, right?
If, for any reason, you still want a website with a totally original design, we can surely contract some of the most impressive designers at costs directly in line with their deliverables. However, our focus, more than anything else, is on your website converting visitors into long-time clients, customers, and buyers. The great thing about website templates that are built to convert website visitors into buyers is that most of the split testing has already taken place. Does this mean that we won’t A/B split test your site? Of course not, but we will have a comprehensive pre-tested control (A) to start from, giving us the ability to focus on treatments (B) -- significant factors such as headlines, sub-headlines, and sign-up offers first, as opposed to layout, usability, background colors, fonts, and other "non-benefit driving” factors. Our team will present, revise, and collaborate with you until we finalize the entire design along with an effective, tested sales funnel to each segment of the niche you’re selling to.
We believe that close collaboration with you and your buyer’s mindset is foundational to the long-term financial success of your website. We collaborate at all stages of the site's building process. Starting with a content audit, we discover your wants, needs, and requirements. Next, we do a competitive analysis to outline your standout opportunities and to establish a baseline regarding where and how you want to be positioned in your industry. Finally, if you allow us, we interview past and present buyers along with prospects and then do user testing to better understand how to segment your audience and how each of your buying groups think in relation to your product or service.
Google’s testing has proven over and over again that websites that try to speak to everyone end up speaking to no one. Having a website set up with highly specific landing pages helps make visitors feel that you’re talking to them as individuals.
We currently own several user behavior and tracking plug-ins that will record each visitor's session, letting us know where sticking points on the website might exist. In addition to video recording all of your visitors' actions while on your new website, our heat map tracking plug-in will show us where most visitors clicked and, more importantly, where visitors did not click. An excellent read on eye-tracking is achieved from seeing where a visitor’s mouse hovers and how often the visitor scrolls up or down on your website’s page.
The scary fact is that, on average, only 15% of website visitors ever scroll down to see what's under the “fold,” which is the bottom part of the page that meets the bottom of your browser. In addition to the two plug-ins just mentioned above, we also own developer licenses to over 60 automated marketing, user enhancing, analytic, and testing plug-ins that are available at no extra charge to you when you give us the honor of creating one of our customer-getting websites for you.
We saved the search engine optimization (SEO) part of our web design description until the end, because a site on page one of Google that won’t influence or persuade your visitors to buy from you or your business is a total waste of your money and more importantly, your time.
Nowadays, more than ever before, the value of your content has everything to do with long-lasting SEO results. It's no longer just about how many links you have pointed to your website or how many keyword-stuffed pages exist on your URL. It's about "engagement," and the word engagement gets thrown around more than all the footballs in off-season practice. The word engagement is defined in many interesting ways.
The best definition of engagement as it relates to your website that we've seen so far is as follows:
The concept of engagement was popularized in 1990 by William Kahn, who related this concept to the notion of psychological presence. According to his definition, engagement refers to the state in which individuals express their entire self -- physically, cognitively, and emotionally -- in their role.
Although this is a bit oversimplified, Kahn's definition of engagement directly applies to SEO and is specifically what Google says that it wants to see for your page to safely stay ranked ahead of your competitors.
So what exactly does engagement mean to you?
Here is what our understanding of engagement means to your website's SEO:
The word engagement as it relates to SEO starts with the desire to frame your prospect's perspective on how deeply, you the business owner, measure their conscious and subconscious wants as opposed to their needs. This perceived measure is far more profound than a measure of interaction with or the social sharing of your website's content, even more than the measure of your ability to understand and share the feelings of your prospect, which would be synonymous with the word "empathy." It's more a measure of a-hard-to-describe mix of feelings that include the following:
• Conscious relief of frustration -- as it relates to the prospect's suspension of disbelief that their problem will not be solved.
• Conscious trust -- in your empathy for your visitor.
• Subconscious heroism -- as it relates to sharing your site's content with their friends.
• Subconscious obligation -- as it relates to your prospect’s picking you to solve their problem.
You must keep in mind that your service, product, advice, etc. are no more than your prospect achieving what he or she really wants. Prospects buy what they WANT, but not necessarily what they NEED.
At this point, any SEO company knows the metadata optimization tricks and how to get cheap links from every corner of the globe. Easy-to-implement SEO strategies have been rehashed to no end in every $97 to $1,997 SEO/Social Media "learn at your own pace home study course" known to humanity. We're far from against learning about the subject of marketing or physiological persuasion tactics, and the fact is that we have bought more SEO courses than we can count. The number one problem with most of them is that the training is broken up in the following manner:
• 10% teaches you how great the teacher is (the most entertaining portion of the training by far.)
• 20% at best teaches you actual SEO strategy (most of which is completely rehashed material.)
• 70+% teaches you how to find clients to sell SEO services to (This has value to an SEO Agency but very little value to you.)
Are there a few tricks left here and there? Absolutely there are, and always will be. The proper question is, "How long will they last?" and the next question is, "Can you sustain a business based on tricks that are bound to be discovered by Google's algorithm?" Full disclosure, we LOVE "Black Hat" tricks and tips, and when combined with fantastic content that your buyers share, these tricks can be totally camouflaged, and even more so by vast amounts of "real" social sharing than in any other way...
E-commerce solutions
Our company has successful solutions to help develop eCommerce software and shopping cart software for online businesses.
Facebook Applications
We work with the leading application development companies offering Facebook App Development services.
WordPress CMS Dev.
If you prefer to take on content creation and distribution on your own, we'll develop an easy to use content management system (CMS), which enables you or your in-house team to effectively manage site content.
Email Marketing Solutions
We work with the best-in-class email marketing software to create, send, and track email campaigns — and get you trackable results. We have also bought the distribution rights to many pre-tested and proven-to-be-successful email campaigns.
PHP and JS development
We provide software development services in PHP, Drupal, Python, JavaScript/ jQuery, and other modern technologies.
Our team develops custom solutions for Intranet and Extranet development, Sharepoint integration, and Knowledge management.
Website Templates and Themes
Websites Scripts and Snippets
Developer Licensed Plugins for Wordpress
Popular facebook applications
E-mail marketing strategies
Experienced Web Development Ninjas
Every project presents its own goals, audience, and opportunities. Our approach to great projects begins with a time-tested process that discovers and addresses the unexpected.
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See all testimonialsWe looked at a lot of SEO solutions for website promotion but these guys were our clear favorite. They has the right strategy and they've been awesome to work with to boot.

Thanks to this amazing SEO company we have a constant flow of new leads. These guys gives us all the tools to convert those leads to customers.

Thank you for connecting with us.