Video Marketing Strategy
We tailor a highly customized video marketing strategy to each segment of your clients. Our precisely targeted video campaigns make your visitors feel as if you’re talking directly to them, turning your video viewers into buyers.
Here are the basic steps to just one of our many video formulas:
The 20x20x20x60 Formula:
1. We consult with you and implement our well-proven online research method to obtain the top twenty frequently asked questions about your product or service.
2. We then consult with you and your team on the top twenty questions a potential buyer or client SHOULD be asking about your product, service, events, etc. These are the essential things that a potential buyer or client may not know to ask based on their lack of experience. Questions that are crafted to differentiate your methods from those of your competitors should also be included in this grouping.
3. The MindGame Marketing team will then research the top 20 socially trending subjects on your niche to generate a list of the most compelling questions/headlines bullets and subject matter as they relate to physiographic data along with keywords that you want to rank for.
4. We then record the 60+ videos mentioned above, responding to each of the approved questions along with trailer and bumper videos described below. Each video response should be in the neighborhood of three to five minutes in length. There is no magic video duration for optimal conversions. As a team, we will focus on what matters most in the message within the video itself. We can always easily trim down if necessary.
The Four Hard Rules of "Offer Videos"
1. Never guess what offer your market will respond to the most. It may surprise you that your years of personal experience may have absolutely no bearing on the actual outcome of the most fundamental A/B split test. An educated guess or hypothesis should only be used as a control within a split test.
2. There is no one "best offer." Even segmented buyers in the same market, buying the same product or service, can respond differently to an identical offer.
3. The offer is everything. A fantastic no-brainer offer will improve your SEO, PPC campaigns, list size, traffic, viral shares, likes, followers, conversions, and profitability, all of which are extremely important; however, switch the word "no-brainer" to "mediocre," and you will find out how insignificant a "strategic" offer becomes to your bottom line. Today, to fully capture the attention of your targeted audience, your offer should feel a bit painful for you to approve. Don't agree? Start paying more attention to some of the return policies and payment plans offered in modern-day infomercials and from companies like Zappos, Bed Bath & Beyond, Costco, IKEA, JCPenney, Bloomingdales, Kohl's, Lands' End, REI, Macy's, L.L.Bean, Nordstrom, Target, Trader Joe's, Purple Mattress, and many more.
You could easily think to yourself, "I don't compete with these name brands." Hopefully, you don't even sell the same products that they do. The problem is that companies like these are conditioning your prospects to be less and less responsible for their buying decisions. The offers these companies make their buyers are affecting your prospects’ expectations of you. These brands are continually offering buyers bigger and bigger parachutes attached to their products and services. How big is the parachute attached to your offer?
4. Test everything. As mentioned above, the offer is "everything," so test it. Remember not to confuse your personal opinions with facts. Sometimes they are the same, but too often, they do not align. Another thing to remember is that there's no need to complicate testing. A/B Split tests are easy and straightforward and deliver the most accurate results. More sophisticated ways to test exist, such as multivariate split tests that measure several changes at the same time, which theoretically can speed up the testing and, at the same time, deliver accurate results. Like I said, theoretically. Other forms of effective testing include surveys, polls, focus groups, and properly executed deep research.
Offer Videos
1. Landing Page opt-in video – This would be the video on the landing page that instructs visitors to add their email address. This video typically starts with an explanation of what the visitor will get if he or she takes the described action of adding the email, also known as an "ethical bribe.” Some markets have become accustomed to seeing such videos, which typically have a big arrow pointing to an opt-in box.
An opt-in box is basically the mini rectangular form that allows visitors to input their names and email addresses, followed by clicking a button that sends their information to your autoresponder. By taking this action, visitors give you the permission to send emails, ship merchandise, send information, or convey relevant messages to them. Because such requests for visitor information will turn off a select group of visitors, clever marketers have come up with creative ways to camouflage or disguise these videos as valuable free content that offers useful and actionable information through 90% - 95% of the video.
The last 5% - 10% of the video has a clear call-to-action offering a part 2 to the valuable content just consumed or a free downloadable tool that makes the useful information they just conveyed easier to implement. All visitors have to do is add their email addresses and click the corresponding "submit"-type button. A few of the best opt-in offers that we have tested are as follows: a free piece of software, swipe file, template, cheat sheet, or qualification checklist, or better yet, a combination of all these items.
Often, a business owner has a hard time deciding which incentive will work the best. My advice on that is to bundle several giveaways together. Use all the incentives and giveaways that you think are relative to your segmented prospect. Remember the following about opt-in offers:
• Your opt-in offer needs to be so valuable that it should cause you slight pain, Yes "PAIN" (mental and physical).
•The act of your prospect opting-in constitutes the first transaction between you and the prospect, which is also the perfect time to over-deliver.
• If they refuse your opt-in offer, you have probably lost the lead entirely.
Below are just a few more ideas that you might find useful based on your market and their behavioral patterns.
• An eBook
• A starter kit
• A workbook
• An eCourse
• A manifesto
• A worksheet
• A discount code
• A free consultation
• A pre-recorded webinar
• A video (or series of videos)
• A mind-map or process map
• Exclusive members-only content
• Blog posts delivered to their inbox
• A seven-day, 14-day, or 30-day challenge
• A list of recommended tools and resources
• Exclusive offers for your products or services
• An exclusive giveaway just for your subscribers
• A preview of your paid eBook or eCourse material
• A live class or workshop just for your list subscribers
• Membership to an exclusive subscriber-only community
• A worksheet or template they can use with their own clients
• An entry-level membership in your paid membership program
• Insights into how you run your business to help them grow theirs
• A list of tips or ideas to help them achieve goals or solve a problem
• An interview with someone your ideal subscribers want to learn from
• A recipe for training in ways to achieve better health, happiness, success, etc.
• A breakdown of a process used in your training so your readers can copy it
• Audio recordings – reading from your book, inspirational story, how-to guide
• A quiz or survey, which is great for segmenting your email list through the use of "tagging."
2. Thank you video (with a specific call to action) – The next video that the visitor who just opted-in sees is known as the "thank you video." The thank-you video should be utilized for much more than just saying, "thank you." This sometimes overlooked video has proven to be a handy tool to segue into the tripwire offer, viral share offer, or up-sell offer, and is a great way to just tell visitors what to do next using the "call to action trailer video." For example, if you require "double opt-ins" (an opt-in in which the newly opted-in visitor must confirm his or her action via email), you might add the following call-to-action to the beginning or end of your thank-you video: "Please check your email inbox, open the email I just sent you, and click on the confirm link to receive access to ______." ← (The downloadable incentive that you promised in your offer)
Even if you’re going for the single opt-in (aka non-confirmed opt-in), a good idea might be to give the visitor a quick set of instructions on how to white-list any emails from your mail server.
Email deliverability rates are at an all-time low these days and if nothing else, a thank-you video that explains a step-by-step action for your newly opted-in visitors to take in order to keep your emails out of their spam box would be well worth the effort.
3. Viral Share Offer Video – This video can be used on the same page as the thank-you video, part of the thank-you video itself or a stand-alone video that’s used later on in the sales funnel. This video is usually placed just over the page’s viral-sharing script, which is a small script or plug-in that tracks and confirms the completed action of the visitors' social share, tweet, follow, Like, video view, subscribe, or any other preferred viral action. There are many great viral scripts to choose from based on the desired viral-share action that you require. Unfortunately, this is one of the most underutilized videos of all, yet they can enhance your campaigns greatly by incentivizing viewers to share videos, images, and pages.
The call-to-action for this video would be along the lines of "Please share, Like or follow us and you will get _______ for FREE." This video performs best when there is a step-by-step set of instructions that explains how to use the script and get credited for the share, Like, follow, etc.
Two powerful results come from a prospect sharing your offer/content. First of all, you receive a third-party endorsement, and no paid ad or organic search position will ever beat a third-party endorsement from a close friend or relative when it comes to a prospect-to-buyer conversion test. Second is the mighty "micro-commitment" effect it has on the subconscious mind of your prospect.
A micro-commitment is basically getting someone to take some small action, any action, to increase the chances of getting that person to convert into either a customer or client. When a visitor lands on one of your web pages, there is minimal time to engage their interest, in most cases, only a few seconds. It is, therefore, imperative that your pages draw attention and some type of action from every possible visitor.
Once you have your visitor's full attention and curiosity by using a strategic headline, sub-headline, and opt-in video, you now need to motivate them to take the next small action. You want to ensure that the action required from the visitor found in the call-to-action portion of your video is clear and concise. Knowing that a confused mind quickly says no, a properly executed viral share video will persuade a visitor to watch other videos, click a link, or opt-in for a downloadable giveaway. One of these actions alone can increase the likelihood of your prospect becoming an actual buyer or client by as much as 300%.
By getting a minimal commitment in the initial instance, you can get a visitor to take more involved actions such as hitting the like button, tweeting out a pre-written text, commenting below, or best of all, entering four to six email addresses of potentially interested friends and family. This method of obtaining micro-commitments, small seemingly unobtrusive requests to take action, gives the customer an extra-strong subconscious reason to go on justifying their time and energy spent.
None of us want to feel like fools who wasted their time on a site due to bad judgment on our part. By taking any of these sharing actions, the visitor goes from engaging in a micro-commitment at first glance to a macro-commitment based on the fact that the visitor has given you and your company an implied endorsement in front of his or her entire social network. This referral type commitment triggers a strong subconscious obligation in the prospect's mind to justify their action by "eating their own dog food," so to speak, or buying into your core offer. If they did not buy, how "fake" would the prospect look to their friends and family who see their recent endorsement of you or your company as clear as day right in their Facebook or Twitter feed? All humans must convey trust to receive the feeling of belonging in our modern-day "tribe." Our subconscious minds still attribute being exiled from the tribe or peer group equivalent to death.
Video screen captures are often accompanied by narration so that the viewer can clearly see what he or she needs to do to run the viral script. All good viral scripts are designed to be as easy as possible to interact with. However, there are always those visitors that have trouble hitting the back button, but they are buyers too
4. Tripwire-Offer Video – A tripwire-offer video can also reside on the same page as or included in the thank-you video. A tripwire is a low-ticket product or service, usually costing between one and ten dollars, whose primary purpose is to convert prospects into buying customers. A tripwire offer is basically an irresistible low-dollar offering where the value is enormous, and the price is so low that price is no longer an objection. This offer must be so irresistible that it's a total no brainer and almost a bit too good to be true. Be careful not to go over the top with your value claims because many prospects do believe in the old saying, "If it's too good to be true, it probably is." The value in the offer should not depend on your stated opinion of value. Use third-party validation when possible or, in the worst case, plain hard logic.
The whole trick is to come up with a strong, credible, justifiable reason the offer is so good. The prospect may even enter into the "your loss is my gain" state of mind. The end goal for you is to make your soon-to-be new buyer think that this tripwire offer is all that he or she will ever need to solve their problem. In the end, the right buyer will actually get a strong taste of having their problem resolved, and as we all know, human nature (aka greed) kicks in, and they will either want more of the problem solved or want it solved faster, and most often they will want both. The beauty of the tripwire offer is that this seemingly small transaction has now turned the visitor/prospect into a buyer/customer, especially in the subconscious mind of your visitor. This means that the relationship between the two of you has instantly and forever changed. This person is no longer a warm or cold lead but is now actually a customer who's already given you money, and you have delivered. Subconscious credibility exists, the credit card is conveniently out, and the buyer's mind's happy drug dopamine has just finished flowing like a river from this tripwire sale.
The hormone dopamine functions as a neurotransmitter -- a chemical released by nerve cells to send signals to the brain's reward-and-pleasure centers. To give you an idea of how powerful this hormone is, cocaine, for the most part, increases the buildup of dopamine in the brain’s synapses, thus creating its pleasurable effects. With that said, many tests have shown that there's no better time to present another offer than when a person has become a brand new buyer/customer. It's essential to present the next offer, usually the core offer in this case, to the customer soon after the tripwire offer because studies show that dopamine levels plunge just before the new buyer clicks the buy button, so what does the brain want? The brain wants another hit, of course, hence the reason for the name tripwire offer.
The longer the new buyer has for the dopamine to clear the synapse, the less likely he or she is to take you up on the next offer. Not because your offer is not right or not that you are looking to trick your buyers into another sale, but because the epic amount of distraction in today's world can cause your new buyer to forget who you are or what they just bought in as few as 10 -15 minutes. In summary, the message within the tripwire video should as much as possible take the prospect to the next level of the buying cycle no matter how insignificant the buy is.
5. Control Core Offer Video – This is usually the meat-and-potato offer that is also known as the video sales letter (VSL). This video determines whether or not food is on the table next month. The video should be derived from a well-researched need from a segmented slice of your buying audience and not the whole audience. I repeat, a well-researched need, from a segmented slice of your buying audience, and there should be more than one core offer video. Of course, you’re selling the same thing to the whole, but the precise needs of the segments may be very different. There are hundreds of ways to segment your audience, and to avoid biting off more than you can chew, focus on the main points of separation between the potential buyers that you’re looking to convert into buyers.
Let's use my father's limo business as an example. How impactful would a core offer video for a limousine service be if the video tried to address the following four very different clients:
First, a nervous 32-year-old, soon-to-be bride, looking for a limo to take her and her bridesmaids to her wedding.
Second, an anxious 17-year-old girl, looking for a limo to take her, her boyfriend, and eight of their closest friends to their high school prom.
Third, a distressed 84-year-old lady looking for a limo to take her and her family to a funeral for her recently passed husband of almost 50 years.
Forth, a confident, successful 47-year-old female looking for a limo to take her to and from work because she just realized she could get an extra two hours of work done each day if she were driven instead of looking at tail lights and the backs of people’s heads while stuck in bumper-to-bumper traffic?
If we only shot one core offer video, it would probably not be too impactful and maybe mildly effective at best. Let's say I applied the old trusty 80/20 rule and focused the video mostly on the one that brought in most of my business. Great, and now, in this case, I have totally alienated 20% of my business. I have a serious question for you. How many companies do you know of that are genuinely netting 20%? Let's take a quick look at what one focused video might do if funerals made up most of my business. Imagine what the nervous 32-year-old, the soon-to-be bride, would be thinking. How about the anxious 17-year-old prom-goer. The confident, financially successful, 47-year-old would not even make it past the opening of the video.
To a slightly lesser extent, the same would hold true if most of the business came from weddings or proms. If you took a mental note of how I described each of the very different customers, there were already four points of clear segmentation. First, we had the state of the clients' mind segmentation. Second, we had the age segmentation. Third, there was the gender segmentation. The fourth is the most significant segmentation factor in this particular case study; namely, the type of event the limo was needed for.
Let's say that we just stay focused on no other segment than the "type of event" segment. This would mean a minimum of four videos, each having targeted messaging to the prospects in relation to the event they are attending.
Here’s a quick and rough idea of how my dad would have the videos produced.
• The "wedding limo" offer video would focus on how punctual his drivers are, pictures of brides and happy couples in his limos, and how beautiful his limos will look in their wedding album. The video would feature each style of limo in a wedding setting, along with best practices on renting a limousine for that extraordinary day -- "your wedding."
• The "prom limo" offer video would focus on how to properly and safely pick a limo service since are a lot of ways limo services bait and switch limos on prom goers. It would also include several quick video lessons on how to pick the limo based on the amount of safe seating and some great tips and tricks for making their prom an experience to remember.
• The "funeral limo" offer video would have a comforting tone focusing on how professional and experienced his drivers are, along with how empathic his understanding of loss is.
• The "corporate limo" offer video would have a more serious tone focusing on how reliable and experienced his drivers are along with how well maintained the limos are. The footage would convey a strong sense of the practicality and efficiency of chauffeured transportation.
6. Amazing Offer Video – The amazing offer video is precisely what it sounds like. It's a video that describes an amazing offer. This video is often variant B (aka the treatment) to the A variant (aka the control) in an A/B split test. Even though the marketer inside of you thinks that you’re adding or bundling a better offer, your buying audience may see the same offer in a very different way. The A/B split test will prove that your "amazing offer" is precisely what you think it is -- amazing. A business owner may also choose to only show this offer during a specific time of the year, such as in an off-season scenario or a holiday promotion.
Another great use of the amazing offer video is to put it in front of past clients that have dropped off or have not had the time or the proper motivation to resign up to your core offer. An amazing offer video could be the perfect video to send to the segmented portion of your list who are no longer responsive or never responded at all. This could be the video that pushes them off the fence.
7. Profit Maximizer Videos – These help reduce buyer remorse, and much like what happens just after your visitor takes you up on your tripwire, the profit maximizer presents your buyer's brain with an additional hit of dopamine after buying your core offer. Properly structured profit maximizer offers will allow you to pay quite a bit more for your leads than most of your competitors. This is because the profit maximizer offer is an offering that is structured to maximize the value of the lead with one or more offers related to your core offer; for example, Vistaprint's core offer is 500 business cards for 36.00 (This price fluctuates based on your customer status). As soon as you go through the effortless design and approval process, you are instantly introduced to about 20 different ways to use the business card that you just approved. Some of the upsells include business card holders, pens, magnetic signs, notebooks, t-shirts, hats, hoodies, calendars, stationery, mailing labels, stickers, flyers, brochures, etc., all with your company name, logo, and anything else that is on your card.
8. Upsell Offer Video – The upsell offer video would be presented just after the successful sale of your core offer. Just like the core offer, the upsell offer video allows your new-found buyer to get yet another hit of the much-loved brain drug dopamine. Like the viral share offer, it subconsciously obliges the new buyer to buy again, if for no other reason than to reinforce prior purchases. An upsell offer video also strengthens the micro-commitment of the opt-in, the email confirmation, the commitment of deciding on a "yes" to the tripwire, and again the "yes" on the core offer. The most ubiquitous example of an upsell is the famous fast food phrase, "Would you like to super-size that?"
9. Downsell Offer Video – The downsell offer video is much like the upsell offer video, only it comes up only if the prospect does not take you up on your core offer. Typically the downsell offer video introduces a portion of the core offer at a substantial discount. The oblivious goal here is to keep the client buying at almost all costs, and I say "almost" because your cost of acquiring a new client must be based on lifetime customer value.
10. Continuity Offer Video – The continuity offer video would display just after the upsell offer video or the downsell offer video. The continuity offer is structured to deliver your products or services on a weekly, bimonthly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. Most often, this offer would have a recurring fee associated with the delivery of your products or services. In some cases, like personal training, the core offer already has continuity built-in. In these cases, you may want to consider adding a lower-priced continuity offer such as a monthly supply of health supplements, healthy meals on wheels, etc.
11. High-Ticket Offer Video – The high-ticket offer video is customarily held back for a while, giving new customers a chance to fall in love with your products and services. After your buyers or clients are proud of their accomplishments from using your product or service, this video gives them the "exclusive" opportunity to ascend their level of engagement with you or your company by attending a mastermind session, specialized one-on-one training, receiving accountability calls, or any high-value offer that you could only give to a tiny elite group of customers. The high-ticket offer must pitch an extraordinarily high value to the buyer/fan, and’’ always includes success in time compression as it relates to achieving a goal. I have attended many exclusive mastermind sessions that promise ten years' worth of experience and understanding of a topic in as short as three days. With a price tag of $15,000 - $100,000 per year, very few have failed to deliver.
Bumpers Trailers and Disclaimer Videos
1. Opening Bumper Video– The opening bumper video, ident bumper, or break-bumper (often shortened to bump) is captured as a stand-alone video clip designed to cut in or add to the beginning of an offer video, content video, or just about any video that has a promotional purpose.
The opening bumper video should be a brief framing or announcement of who you are and what you are representing. One could consider this a video version of a "hello." Typically running around 15 – 30 seconds in length and containing graphics, music, and sometimes a voice-over, The host, teacher, trainer, or a program announcer states the title (if any) of the video presentation, the name of the video series (if a series), and the name of the business, though not necessarily in that order. Bumper music, a recurring signature or theme music piece, is very often featured here.
Bumpers can vary from simple text video presentations to elaborate short films. We recommend making several versions of your opening bumper video so that there are more than one to choose from while editing your offer or content videos. Making at least one bumper video for each of your targeted and segmented groups is a great idea since this allows you to turn a single piece of content into several without having to reshoot the core footage over and over again. For example, in the case of my father's limousine service, he may want to make a "What are the first five things to do when you can't find your limo driver" video. The five reenactment steps could be shot once, and the editor could add the corresponding bumper to the beginning of the same cut, thus turning one good video into four targeted videos: one for the prom segment, one for the wedding bride segment, one for the corporate segment, and one for the funeral segment.
Please understand, I don't mean to say that a separate customized video should not be shot for each audience that you serve. However, when time, budget, and resources don't allow for big productions, bumper videos will help give your viewers a sense of one-on-one communication.
Bumper videos are also great for adding to the beginning of customer-submitted testimonial videos, myth-busting videos, case study videos, and just about any repurposed content videos used to drive traffic to an offer.
2. Call to Action Trailer Videos - These are almost the same as the opening bumper video, but instead of having the "hello" structure, this video is made for the "goodbye" or ending portion of your segmented content videos. As the name implies, this is the video where you state your call to action, which is a clear statement of what the viewer is to do next. For example, you may want to ask the viewer to like your page on Facebook, follow you on Twitter, subscribe to your Youtube channel, Call 1-800-555-5555, click on the buy button or maybe commit to actions like the following: Tell us what you think in the comments below, or Text 5555 to the number 800-555-5555 to get this events update.
3. Disclaimer/FDA Statement Video - Depending on the level of intensity of the claim or claims made in any video you might consider shooting, a disclaimer video can be added to the end of a video presentation to help comply with state and federal guidelines. In some cases, rules and regulations within an industry can change, and you may end up needing to add disclaimers that were not required at the time of your video's production.
We fully understand not wanting to add a disclaimer video to the end of any promotional video since you will most likely experience a drop in conversion. Just keep in mind that if for any reason your five-year-old video with 400,000 views gets taken down by Youtube because of "new rules" like changing laws that update old legal advice on financial claims, medical claims, etc. your video cannot transfer views, links, or page rank, and will lose all that was gained from the content residing on that URL. You can re-upload a modified version of the material that complies; however, you would be starting from zero, and all of the links that point to the old video are rendered useless.
Additional Videos
1. Video of the Content in your Current Email Sequence – This video involves using your current sales funnel content and is based on what that content is. Your sales funnel auto-responder Here are some possible examples.
2. Testimonial Videos – In this case, you would start by turning the text-based testimonials that are already being used in the sales funnel into videos. There are several ways to do this. The first is to use animated stills with one or more voice-over talents reading the testimonials. Very much like what was just stated, but instead of using animated stills, the voice-over would be combined with animated customer avatar-type characters asking the person who submitted the testimonial to be videoed restating the same testimony for a second time.
3. How-To Videos on What's Trending – This strategy requires research by the MindGame Marketing team along with a bit of input from the business owner. The primary research strategy would include using advanced-level research software available today. Software that allows us to get accurate data on what exact questions and subject matter have the most views, comments, online searches, Facebook groups, forums, blogs, tweets, re-tweets, likes, shares, and overall engagement.
After we pull the top 50-100 social posts based on how many videos are needed, we list them in order of rank, and from that list, we continue the research process, but we get far more in-depth into each piece of subject matter within the most popular posts. We then consult with you on a unique angle for developing content that relates to the discovered subject and offers. This set of videos would be shot in a "response to" type fashion with a script rich in exact match keywords. This system of content creation addresses your need for increased traffic, engagement, and ultimately, conversions.
4. Indoctrination Video – the word "indoctrinate" means to teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not even consider other views, opinions, and beliefs. Well, that's the whole goal of this type of video. This feat is not accomplished easily without research time spent in your targeted audience’s shoes and understanding the deep psychographics of the audience. This video is often confused with what appears to be a documentary/orientation style of video.
Although an indoctrination video can come across to the viewer in a documentary manner, these videos are packed with NLP anchors, physiological triggers, and a few lessons from Abraham Maslow and Robert Cialdini. An indoctrination video must also have an empathetic and humanizing story to deliver on what the title implies, "indoctrinate."
These videos strongly focus on a targeted group, their specific concerns, and how you the owner and your company values relate and cater to those precise concerns. The humanizing story bridges back and forth between the group’s desires and the justification for those desires. The final video product appears very much like a documentary but instantly grabs and holds the attention of your targeted audience. I say targeted because this type of video only works on a focused portion of your audience; otherwise, the video will not connect in a meaningful way.
In creating indoctrination videos, the challenge is to resist the urge to try to appeal to several segments at the same time. This attempt to save time and money instantly disconnects the viewer from the targeted message needed to increase conversions, thus diminishing the indoctrination effect.
This is not to say that extra footage for several audiences can't be captured at the same time, but there is an absolute need for multiple edits. The goal of each edited version of the video is to make the viewer feel as if they've known you for quite some time and will also feel as if you are talking specifically to them. Indoctrination videos create a feeling of connection and trust that will crumble most objections, including a higher than average price.
5. Reverse Testimonial Video – The traditional testimonial video does not require much more than having a past client show up and tell your prospects why they chose you, how awesome you treated them, and why the viewer should consider purchasing from you and your company.
Traditional testimonial videos are all well and good; however, most people can forecast almost word for word what will be said in such videos even before watching them. Reverse testimonial videos start very differently. They begin with a short description of the problem the client hired you to solve. Then comes the essential part of these videos; the client goes into a bit of detail on their initial reservations about hiring you or your company in the first place. They state their justified fears along with their soon to be "reversed" judgments about you and or your company. Ideally, they would end the video with some sort of self-humbling cliché.
Example of a reverse testimonial:
(General Problem) It's gotten remarkably hard to find an affordable green screen studio in the Los Angeles area that has everything I need to shoot training videos for my clients in one place.
(Problem with Phil’s Studio that is outside of Phil's control) So, Phil's studio sounded almost too good to be true, and as I turned on to the industrial street where the studio is located, I was shocked by how dirty, and just plain scary Downtown LA had become. I immediately started to look for the first place I could find to make a U-turn, but fortunately
(Turning point in the story), I ended up seeing the roll-up door to his studio open with Phil waving me in. I did not want to be rude and just drive off without saying hello. Thankfully I went in just for a peek because as I walked through that roll-up door, it felt like I had just entered a massive stage at Universal Studios.
(Problem reverses into the perfect solution) The giant facility had everything ready for me to walk in, hit record on the camera, and start shooting right then. It was like studio heaven. Everything was pre-lit from the grid; grip equipment was staged and ready to go. There was a full-blown hydraulic dolly set up next to a 20ft remote head camera crane, and super high-end furniture everywhere (self-humbling cliché)My mother always told me not to judge a book by its cover.
6. Location Montage Video – The location montage video shows off one or several locations in what's known as a video montage. This video works best for brick and mortar businesses that have clients and buyers show up to a place of business, for example, hotels restaurants, real estate for sale, etc.
By definition, a montage is "a single pictorial composition made by juxtaposing or superimposing many pictures or designs.” We could use a montage editing technique in which we would use interior and exterior crane, dolly, and drone shots of your location juxtaposed in a piece of slow or fast-paced music along with 20 - 30 shots of your targeted demographic interacting with your product or service. Your offer would be delivered via voice-over or by the use of text within the video itself, or both.
7. Survey Style Testimonial Video – This type of video is made up of past and current clients that are back for a positive themed case study / long-winded testimonial. This is one of the best ways to get amazing natural sounding testimonials being that the participant is under the impression that he or she is there to praise you and or your company.
Please understand there is no ill will or hurtful trickery planned during this type of video capture. The participants are 100% willing and have a full understanding that they are there to say truthful and well-deserved kind or not-so-kind words about you and your company.
We ask your customers, buyers, or clients questions in a manner that feels like a survey but that are designed to be answered as if the client is giving you or your company a testimonial. Keep in mind that in general, surveys encourage clients to answer honestly, so client selection is vital.
The substantial upside is that in most states, you are allowed to compensate or incentivize prospects or buyers for surveys. However, you are not allowed to compensate or incentivize positive testimonials or positive reviews in any state and could receive up to a $250,000 fine for each paid, that is, fake positive review.
Legitimate surveys can be a legal way to show appreciation for all testimonials and reviews. You have the final say on which testimonials and reviews you want to add to your website and promotional material.
Because even bad reviews and testimonials add extreme customer feedback value to your business, you win regardless of what's said in the testimonials that are videoed. Bad testimonials give you a real insight into what needs to be addressed within. The problem is when the bad reviews or testimonials are fake, i.e., from a competitor, that’s another story.
8. Case Study Videos – Case study videos are, for the most part, video versions of the text and picture-based case studies found on many sites. Case study videos add authenticity to your communication, as the message is coming from the customer, rather than directly from you or your business. It's much easier to communicate unique selling points to a visitor in a video by showing – rather than telling – them how your product is better through a video version of a case study.
9. Myth-Busting Videos – Myth-busting videos clear up common misconceptions about subjects that are misrepresented to the public, usually for the financial gain of a particular group or individual. These videos are surprisingly engaging and often stir up tons of views, comments, and shares. These are the perfect videos to set the record straight on myths, misconceptions, or untruths about your type of business or industry that may be circulating on the internet nowadays. Plus, they allow you and any of your team to stand on a soapbox and deliver what might be slightly controversial opinions. Controversy often equals lots of shares and views on video content.
10. TikTok Videos – TikTok is a video-sharing social networking service founded in 2012. It's normally used to create short dance, lip-sync, comedy, and talent videos. With that said there are many savvy businesses owners using the this newer platform to to drive leads and sales. This video platform is designed to aid in the creation of viral videos. It's our job to bridge what we offer (as interesting or as boring as that might be) into what gets heavily shared, and thats not always easy. The good news is that TikTok gives you the needed data to research what has worked in your effort to "go viral" and what has not worked. Originality is great however there's no need to reinvent the wheel until you have the time and extra resources.
11. Coach/Trainer Profile Video – These profile videos will introduce you and your team of highly qualified coaches/trainers to your visiting prospects. This type of video also helps to solve the "judging a book by its cover" issue when your visitors default to guessing your level of experience or knowledge solely based on your particular look or age. Of course, we are not supposed to judge, but in the real world, we all make judgments about people, places, and things every day, no matter how much we may try not to. It's a basic survival instinct that we all develop as we experience life. These videos are designed in a mini-documentary style format that explains who you are and why you matter to the viewer. The number one goal of these videos is to help your prospect let their guard down long enough to hear what you have to say instead of dismissing your ability to help them due to a preconceived notion.
12. Viral Idea Video – Here, we would brainstorm with as many employees, partners, and associates of the company as possible for the purpose of coming up with a video that has the highest likelihood of going viral. These viral videos require the perspective of many when the goal is to output viral videos on a consistent basis. Many ideas won't necessarily go "viral" on a mainstream scale like Chocolate Rain, the Harlem shake, Gangnam Style, or the dramatic chipmunk but may quickly popularize you and your business within a fitness vertical in a targeted geographic area.
13. YouTube Subscribe Video – As YouTube strives to make their viewers' user experience better and better, they have added the ability to add a commercial, update or feature video that will play to any unsubscribed visitor to your channel called the subscriber channel video. This addition has been added to all channel pages to make it easier than ever for new visitors to become one of your channel's subscribers. These videos are designed to give your viewer a summarized experience of what they will get for subscribing. Remember that the more subscribers you have, the easier it is to rank any of your videos. This is the perfect place to have a version of your call-to-action trailer asking them to subscribe to your channel edited onto an update video.
Below is a sample Television Show Segmentation Breakdown using many of the video strategies above... (about 40% complete)
Total Web 2.0 Properties
Total Television Stations Added
Total Raido/Podcast Stations Added
Total Video & Graphic Files That We Have To Help Make Your Content
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